Dapps \ Card

dApps Card data

dApp: 1

sync: 2023-10-11 16:00:01

  • NFTs

  • Owners

Card: Berzerk - Battle for the Glory of Vulcan

First MetaData
    "dateTime": "2024-04-26 00:54:30",
    "nftId": 27225,
    "metaData": {
        "title": "Berzerk - Battle for the Glory of Vulcan",
        "description": "When Vulcan grows tired of relative peace and prosperity in his lands, all he needs do is whisper a single Word of Power to his Minions - Berserk... And all hell breaks loose - for his entertainment, of course.",
        "dappid": 1,
        "author": "0xF54d4fa6Dc75DfAa64080eF9685CAEe84A4d3Bbc",
        "image": "QmP65ULchUFZRtpw6jEPZP49Z98dkCh7121fYtAesRwecq",
        "owner": "0x96d6c666f05A812e1DB605AE93fdFF9eeBBEc37A"