Dapps \ Card

dApps Card data

dApp: 1

sync: 2023-10-11 16:00:01

  • NFTs

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Card: Minted transaction PYR contract hash address

First MetaData
    "dateTime": "2024-04-26 09:51:52",
    "nftId": 57946,
    "metaData": {
        "title": "Minted transaction PYR contract hash address",
        "description": "Minted on the platform www.pob.studio (POB)  this is the only PYR transaction hash on the ETH blockchain that can be made. Taken from the MATIC contract this is the 1st transaction hash in art form",
        "tags": "PYR,HASH Art,transaction hash,1st transaction ,contract address,VV,Fire,Crypto,Blockchain art",
        "dappid": 1,
        "image": "QmPvMAapiEaCcQEUBnoTYXgxRxSN4PTimbmk4sLafE6Wyw",
        "edition": "1",
        "owner": "0x54aFAa0a6c1253472de8Adb9E630C6c452394Db0"