Dapps \ Card

dApps Card data

dApp: 33

sync: 2023-10-11 16:00:32

  • NFTs

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Card: Amunetpri

First MetaData
    "dateTime": "2024-04-26 08:34:20",
    "nftId": 83798,
    "metaData": {
        "author": "0xF54d4fa6Dc75DfAa64080eF9685CAEe84A4d3Bbc",
        "dappid": 33,
        "Title": "Amunetpri",
        "Description": "Amunetpri of the Palace of the Dawn is into collecting ThunderCats figurines, can fly the highest of all and holds a vial of phoenix tears. Amunetpri wears Hekate's Coronet of Curses that can strike enemies with maledictions and execrations.",
        "Wave": "1",
        "Type": "Sphinx",
        "Attack": "100",
        "Defense": "200",
        "Speed": "275",
        "image": "QmcPj9PNdH14SWbX1aRHHL6TUyHFSp27K9HE1FUTabZzTs",
        "Edition": "15/500",
        "owner": "0xf92063ca06fb6112d43689016459D73FcB381C10"