Dapps \ Card

dApps Card data

dApp: 33

sync: 2023-10-11 16:00:32

  • NFTs

  • Owners

Card: Andantia

First MetaData
    "dateTime": "2024-04-20 04:29:09",
    "nftId": 84031,
    "metaData": {
        "author": "0xF54d4fa6Dc75DfAa64080eF9685CAEe84A4d3Bbc",
        "dappid": 33,
        "Title": "Andantia",
        "Description": "Andantia of the Great Cataract is a lover of cryptic puzzles, rather clumsy for a cat creature and carries a Book of Zeno. Andantia wears Coeus' Crown of Confession. Those that gaze upon it must stop what they are doing and give up their most guilty secrets.",
        "Wave": "1",
        "Type": "Sphinx",
        "Attack": "225",
        "Defense": "550",
        "Speed": "200",
        "image": "QmcoSXHvyYiRiKiWNQ4rUcjd2PMU3WwgUFxa3JS1SsARaj",
        "Edition": "169/500",
        "owner": "0x06eEA57a64cb5E61a100624dE217406CA4dAae3E"