Dapps \ Card

dApps Card data

dApp: 37

sync: 2023-10-11 16:00:34

  • NFTs

  • Owners

Card: Horatio Junger

First MetaData
    "dateTime": "2024-04-20 14:47:19",
    "nftId": 84576,
    "metaData": {
        "author": "0xF54d4fa6Dc75DfAa64080eF9685CAEe84A4d3Bbc",
        "dappid": 37,
        "Title": "Horatio Junger",
        "Description": "This archetype character represents a man who used to kill people for a living. He tried to leave that life, but it came back to haunt him. No, he spends his days pursuing the only thing that keeps him going: Revenge.",
        "Collection": "Limited Edition Genesis Single Pack",
        "image": "QmXjwNa9CzBnDLDpnVc1rhLud32Zj4QRgmqAJ1HSfq1RsD",
        "owner": "0xb8317043B3941eD344CFaE134625998787eEbe87"