dApps \ Title
dApps Title data
dApp: 150
Title: Kauketmenes
Title: Kauketmenes
"dateTime": "2024-12-23 19:02:13",
"nftId": 15724,
"metaData": {
"type": "Sphinx",
"wave": 1,
"image": "QmXny4Qoe3LAXzH65kNaBJ23evvWGFmSZMGHAyUrkEt2D6",
"speed": 275,
"title": "Kauketmenes",
"attack": 100,
"dappid": 150,
"defense": 200,
"edition": "246/500",
"hashStr": "QmQeFKDsGqSuSDrT4XFxMXXQW2B3RTYvTzaF31Ja1pMTYb",
"typeint": 2,
"description": "Kauketmenes of the Cataract of Oceanus is obscurantic, spry for an old cat and holds a Pharaoh's mummified head. Kauketmenes wears Hekate's Coronet of Curses that can strike enemies with maledictions and execrations."